random post
11:56 PM |

Listening to: Samson by Regina Spektor.
Feeling: random

♥ I need to update my blog more often.

♥ I got a 10 out of 10 for my Self-promo Ad. Woohooo! Ms Zi is pretty lenient though.

♥ My mum freaked me out last night. She was coughing like mad and she said she couldn't breathe. And for a moment, we just sat there staring at each other without say a word. I started realizing that she's getting old. She doesn't look her age but still. I hope she'll quit her job soon.

♥ These days, most of the time, I like to be left alone.

♥ I no longer talk to her. Not because I don't want to. There's just nothing to talk about anymore?

Creative Strategy is kinda fun.

♥ I had a weird dream about Eman's pinky the other night. It was terrifying.

♥ I was cleaning up my closet yesterday and I found a number of tops with the price tags still on. Thank God my mum didn't see them. But whatever. I need to shop. Badly.

♥ My sister looks aneroxic. She's so busy, she doesn't even have time to eat.

♥ I've been listening to a lot of indie music lately. And I mean, A LOT. Definitely the kinda music that soothes my soul.

Arthur and I were stopped by the cops this morning. What a way to start a gloomy day.

♥ I have an exam next week. Bleh.

Gaurav is leaving for the UK tonight. I'll still bug him even if he's a million miles away.

♥ I need new flat pumps.

Hoon's starting work next this Wednesday. Which means I have to start taking the public transport again. Early in the morning. Arggghh!

♥ I miss my best friends. We live in the same town but we hardly get to see each other.

♥ There's a newfound prick in my class. He was singing all sorts of songs and expressing his musical point of views (which I thought was bullcrap) to Anne and Wykit. The way he talked was unbearable. Then, I heard him asking his friend, "What is Boys Like Girls?". Now that made my day.

Kah Meng is such a nice guy. Bitchy, yeah. But nice. And he doesn't even know it.

♥ My parents dressed like hippies when they were younger. Cool beans!
♥ I don't know why Melissa Chen Huei Ching doesn't drop me any comments.
♥ I took the bus today for the first time in 3 weeks, I think. I sat next to a pervert. He was trying to rub his leg against mine. Bastard. They're everywhere.
♥ I read the newspaper today. There's actually an organization/body/whatsoever called MILF. Nyeh.
I think I should stop now.
