Happy New Year, everyone!
New Year's Eve was alright. Nothing extravagant. My friends and I were supposed to go to the city to watch the fireworks but then, it started to rain. And it kinda dampened our mood. In the end, we just had a nice dinner nearby and waited for the countdown. Around 1 am, I was really hungry (as always) and we went out for a bite. I was so happy to talk to Sarinder on the phone. Went home at 3ish and finished reading The Apprentice. It was a pleasant night.
I have lots of photos to upload but I think I'll do that in the next entry.
I went to college yesterday. It was nice seeing everyone yesterday. Although not a lot of people turned up. The briefing was a bit different this year. It was pretty interesting and fun compared to the previous ones. This will be my last semester. I'm having mixed feelings about it. Happy that I don't have to wake up early and travel every single damn day, and sad because I know I probably wouldn't see a lot of people after all of us graduated. After the briefing, all of us lined up to get our result slips which was ridiculous. Anyway, a whole bunch of us went to Midvalley later to watch I Am Legend. It was pretty disappointing though. I expected more fights. I wanted more blood and gore. And the movie was so short. After that, we shopped a bit. I took the train with Kev and ended up having dinner with him and CJ. They held hands the entire time in the car from KLCC to my place. There was one point when CJ had to make a U-turn and couldn't control the steering wheel with one hand, he reluctantly let go off Kevin's hand. I don't know why but I thought that was kinda cute.
Aaaanyway, it's never a habit of mine to make resolutions 'cos I doubt I'll stick to them. I do hope there will be a few changes in myself though. Inside and out. Let's see...
I wanna lose a bit of weight. I'm having some issues with my body. Don't tell me that I'm not fat. I've been told that many, many times. I don't really like the way my body looks right now. I don't feel good about it. Body insecurities? Is that what they call it? No, I don't wanna be stick-thin. I just wanna be happy when I look in the mirror. I don't believe in the "in order to look good, you have to feel good" crap. It works for some people, it just doesn't work for me.
I'd love to not give a fuck. Although I know it's going to take some time for me to work on that. Time and time again, I tell myself not to expect too much from people. To not expect the same treatment in return. And each time, I never failed to disappoint myself. I can say that almost every time I'm there for people when they need me. Yet, when I need someone to talk to when I'm upset, poof, they're gone. I'm always the one checking up on them. It'd be nice if they asked me if I'm ok every now and then. It's not too much to ask for. Or is it, really?
I wanna grow taller. Phhhfft. As if.
Gosh. I just realized that the lead vocalist of Tokio Hotel is a dude. I've been listening to their stuff for some time now and I know it's a guy vocalist. I had no idea how they look like until I saw the video, Scream on youtube. That's when I thought the vocalist was a girl with a guy's voice. I feel so stupid now. He's too pretty to be a guy. And he's a year younger than I am. The rest of the band members are around my age too. How nice it is for them to live their dream and doing what they do best at such a young age.
Meg and Dia's video is on MTV Asia. Grrrr! Another good band killed by MTV.
PS: I'm glad you guys drove all the way to see me tonight. Although, maybe the main reason was because you guys were bored shitless. lol. But it was what I needed, really. Thanks =)
Labels: college, friends, movies, music, random
Listening to: Roundabout by Yes.
Feeling: neutral.

Labels: books, death, movie, random
Feeling: festive
I've been taking quite a number of pictures with my digicam but I never really uploaded them. Here are a few of them;
My mum and I. This is taken before our stay at the hospital.
The view from my mum's ward. Mehhh.
Yes, that was my mum's bed. I was tired, okaaaay?
My uncle, my siblings and I at Dome.
Mel came to visit! Along with Arthur and Eman too. I looked weird in this picture.
And this too. That's my best friend, Tiffany.
We were bored.
My mum will kill me if she knew I put this up on my blog.
We get free lollipops for having our nails done at Snips. Random.
Vincent and William, the sweet people who took turns carrying my bag.
We couldn't find a nice X'mas tree but owh well.
I went to Pavilion again on Friday.
My mum's skinnies are so much comfy-er than mine (Wednesday photos)
With Mel and her friends. Such nice girls.
I bought this seat cushion for my aunt. It's so comfy!
I was on my way back from the city yesterday when Sam texted me asking me to text him back if I wanted to know my exam results. I panicked, of course. And I immediately called him back. I was a bit surprised with my results. I wanted A's for Media, Culture & Society and Creative Strategy but since I kinda screwed up my final papers, so I knew it wouldn't be possible. sigh. But anyway, I got a B+ and B for the subjects respectively. The surprising part; A's for Advertising and Consumer Behaviour. Owh, and a B for Media Law. I've never been so happy about getting a big, fat B for a paper before! But this is Media Law and I thought I'd flunk. Typical me. I'm quite happy with the results but I need to buck it up for my last semester in January.
Enough of the sad stuff. Here's my Christmas/New Year wishlist! I doubt I'll be receiving these so I guess these are the stuff that I'll be buying for Chinese New Year. It's in February, by the way.
- odm watch (my aunt?)
- another big bag (my mum?)
- green or red shorts (size S!)
- (more) skinnies (UK size 6 or 8!)
- oversized shades
- baby doll tops
What do you want for Christmas?
I usually stay at home and watch the fireworks from my room's window or go out for a drink with my friends on Christmas eve but this year, we decided to go out for dinner. I can't wait for that. I'm pretty excited about Adele's party tonight too. I haven't seen my collegemates in awhile so yeah, it'll be fun. I'm going shopping with my aunt on Christmas day, dinner with a group of friends which I haven't seen in ages the day after and on Friday, I'm going shopping again with my cousin, Kok Hong. He's back from Japan. Woooot.
I don't usually go out since I'm very lazy. But you know how sometimes you just feel like seeing a lot of people all of a sudden? Especially the people you haven't seen in awhile. I guess maybe it's because I only have a week left of my holiday. sigh. Owh well...
Merry Christmas, everyone! Have a great one!
Labels: Christmas, college, exams, party, pictures, shopping
Feeling: relieved.
It's been one hella week. For the past 6 days, I've been in and out of hospital. No, I'm perfectly fine. It was my mum. She had to undergo surgery to remove her uterus, known as hysterectomy. It sounds awful right? It's a commonly performed operation but that didn't stop my family and I from being worried. We were extremely anxious when my mum was in the OT room. My mum was in so much pain right after she woke up. She was thirsty, hungry and the stitches were killing her. So I slept in her ward since she couldn't wake up and such. I'm glad she's ok now. She was discharged on Saturday. She showed me her stitches a couple of days ago. Guess what? The doctor used buttons! There's the usual thread (is there another medical/surgical name for it?) and the stitches ended with two buttons on each side. It was kinda cute. lol. As I'm typing this, my mum just told me she doesn't feel sexy anymore. Jesus.
These kept me entertained during my 'stay' at the hospital:
Controversy. Ahhh.
Disturbing. Yum.
I'm sick and twisted. I can't deny it. I like anything gory. Books, movies, real-life crime stories, you name it. HOWEVER, one specific faithful morning when I was happily watching Chestnut, a nurse came into my mum's ward with a bucket on her trolley. The bucket reminded me of the KFC bucket, by the way. But anyways, she said that she'll be explaining about the removed uterus - which was in the bucket - and the seeds contained in it. If you knew me well, you'd have expected me to sit there with my eyes wide opened with anticipation. But noooo, my eyes were wide opened alright but I rushed out of the ward right after the nurse finished her sentence. I just didn't wanna see it!
I wanted to blog about the concert but I'm darn lazy now. Let's just say, it was the best night of my life. Maybe I'll post an entry about it when Hani and Ping sent me the photos. Yes, I don't have any photos because stupid me forgot my camera. Arghhhh!
I'm getting my haircut tomorrow. I think I'm going to trim it so I could keep it long. 'Cos right now, my hair's thick and well, I don't know really know how to describe the shape. It's poofy but since my hair's not that long, it looks somewhat like a mushroom. I want layers. Owh, I'm going for a manicure tomorrow too. Yippie. My nails look nasty cos I've been trying to keep it long for a french mani.
I pray to God that I won't have another disastrous haircut. Please, please, please!
Labels: books, concert, haircut, hospital, manicure
The concert was f*cking awesome!
I love MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE more than ever now <33
Updates later. I'm off to the hospital.
Feeling: eager
Yesterday, Karen and I took the bus to Ampang Point because there was nothing to eat at home and I wanted to rent a book. We spent quite some time at Reader's Paradise 'cos there were too many books to choose from. It really was like paradiseeee. And I love the smell of old books. Anyway, I rented Vanish by Tess Gerritsen. The book was such a page-turner. Gerritsen is absolutely brilliant. Maybe it's the fact that she's a physician. That's why she wrote it with such great details. Or maybe it's just because I love gory crime stories. Whatever the reason was, I finished the book today. Apparently, she wrote a series of them with the same characters and such. I must find more of her books. I hope they have it at Reader's Paradise. Gahhh.
I'm going to the movies tomorrow. After God knows how long.